Our Mission

Inspire renters to connect, explore, and live fully.

What is Watson Holmes?

Watson Holmes is a marketplace for monthly rentals and roommates that inspires renters to get out of their comfort zones, form lasting relationships, and live richer lives.

Through our platform, hosts market their properties, and renters apply to and book those listings, find housemates, and pay deposits and monthly rent.

Houses and apartments for rent

Our shared values

Do the right thing.

We aim to leave everything better than we found it. We hold each other to ethical standards and take responsibility for our actions.

Learn something every day.

You can learn anywhere — in school, at work, during travels. We treat every experience as a learning opportunity.

Explore your passion.

With thousands of career options, deciding on a path isn’t easy. We promote trying out careers so you choose one that makes you happy.

Make eye contact.

We live in a heads-down society driven by devices. We make sure to actively spend time with friends, family, and colleagues in-person.


We’re a fully remote team with all sorts of background. Check outCareersto see our open positions.

Jack Forbes Watson Holmes headshot

Jack Forbes

Co-Founder and CEO

Jack is the best person to tell you all about Kopa. He focuses on fostering partnerships, finding great talent to join the team, and even writing front-end code from time to time.

San Francisco, CA, USA

Courtney Sabo Watson Holmes headshot

Courtney Sabo

Co-Founder and CPO

Courtney leads design and strategy. She creates human-centered digital experiences for our users. Throughout her career, she focused on education, non-profits, and healthcare sectors.

San Francisco, CA, USA

Keith Williams Watson Holmes headshot

Keith Williams


Keith brings 20 years of coding experience to the Kopa engineering team. He has a passion for writing clean and maintainable code and commits himself to doing the right thing.



books read in the past 10 years


rentals lived in


countries visited


bowls of oatmeal eaten annually

Our History

A very distraught Jack unable to find housing for his internships illustration

Jack can’t find housing for his co-ops.

During Jack’s first co-op in the Bay Area, he couldn’t find housing and had to live with a family friend. He continued to struggle to find housing for his following four co-ops.

Rocketship blasting off illustration
October 2016

Watson Holmes is live.

Jack decides to solve the problem for his final year engineering project at the University of Waterloo. After a year of serious coding, the site launches. Within a month, there are 50 listings and 100 renters.

High fives for launching Watson Holmes to co-op students illustration
February 2017

Dream team unites.

Jack meets Courtney at a San Francisco design agency, where they both worked. They join forces to build Watson Holmes in their free time.

Watson Holmes redesigned website post full-time illustration
July 2018

The founders go full-time.

Courtney and Jack quit their jobs to turn their side hustle into a full-time hustle and focus all their time working on Watson Holmes.

Y Combinator badge illustration
March 2019

The team graduates from Y Combinator.

The team finishes Y Combinator (YC), a three-month start-up accelerator program in Silicon Valley with a 1.5% acceptance rate.

Envelope with hearts illustration

Lots to come!

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